Prevention of Human Papillomavirus Infection

Prevention of Human Papillomavirus Infection

Human Papillomavirus Prevention, Risk Reduction

  • There is no specific treatment for diseases caused by HPV. But there is a vaccine to prevent infection with the most dangerous viruses. It is Gardasil which is recommended to take prior to beginning having sex. Gardasil is a tetravalent vaccine, which includes proteins similar to proteins contained in HPV. As these proteins are synthesized by nutrient yeasts and the vaccine does not contain infectious particles, it absolutely safe for humans.
  • Another way to prevent infection by this virus is abstinence from sexual intercourse especially with little-known partners.
  • Use of condoms during sexual contact may decrease the risk of STDs and HPV transmission but does not provide absolute protection because a person can be infected by this virus trough kissing or petting.
  • Having one sexual partner help you avoid any virus infection including HPV.
  • Don’t share hygiene items, slippers, or your towel with somebody when you visit swimming-pools or sauna.
  • Have yourself checked up regularly.
  • If one of partners has been infected with HPV, both partners should consult a doctor and be tested.


  • In spite of the fact that no direct anti HPV drugs have been developed, it may be possible to eliminate the symptoms of Papillomavirus. Warts can be extirpated surgically and using colposcopy.
  • Both partners should be treated.
  • If you are infected with Papillomavirus, let your partner know about it.